
Depression and having banned one of the parent

Depression and having banned one of the parents

Bert Hellinger (founder of family constellation) about Depression:

I have discovered something about true perfection

It starts with becoming right with yourself. That is the first thing.

Many are torn apart inside, they are not satisfied with themselves. If you examine it, you can see that they have banned one of their parents from their heart, or even both of them. Then they are cut off from the source of their life.

When someone is cut off from one of his parents, he has only half life force and when someone has only half life force, he becomes depressed.

Depression is a feeling of emptiness, not of sadness. Having a feeling of emptiness means, that one of the parents is missing. Then the heart is only half filled. The depression disappears and someone becomes right with himself, if he pays respect to both parents and loves them. If this succeeds, it will be experienced as grace.

This I can not just intend as if I could manage it. If it succeeds, it is experienced as a gift. Then the basic feeling becomes lighter and more fulfilled and the depression is over.